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Seers Stone (Hidden Alchemy Book 1) Page 5
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Page 5
The necklace sat in a neat pile of ash, an odd greyness against the vivid greens of the jungle around us. All eyes had turned to me. Would I survive the test? I put my shoulders back and strode up to the ash. Failure wasn’t in my behaviour set. The whispers began when I reached out to touch it, quiet murmurings that told me he was weak, that it loved me most of all. My hand had almost wrapped around the orange gem when I caught myself. I retrieved my long tweezers and dropped the necklace in a thick, alchemically reinforced gryphon-leather bag. It was a rather unceremonious gesture, and that somehow felt fitting.”
Erin looked at me with a huge grin on her face.
“That’s amazing. I’m joining you on your next adventure, I’d love to go on an adventure like that,” she said.
I smiled and allowed her enthusiasm to wash over me. The butterflies in my stomach had become an entire kaleidoscope. It was taking everything I had to remain calm and aloof.
“Hopefully, we won’t have to wait long. I’m going to crash out, though, I’m exhausted.”
I stood and put the dishes in the cleaner before I scooped Wispy up from the middle of the plate where he’d fallen asleep. I didn’t need him waking up alone and panicking in the night.
“Good night, Kaitlyn. Today was fun,” Erin said, her thumb brushing over my inner wrist as she spoke.
“Yea, it was,” I agreed, returning the gesture and enjoying the feel of her skin beneath my touch.
Gods bless me with restraint and calm. She was going to ruin my reputation as a professional, if I wasn’t careful. I placed Wispy down on one pillow before I closed the door, stripped down to nothing, and wriggled under the luxurious bedding. Fein didn’t do things by halves, and I was quickly growing to appreciate that. Everything that related to him screamed quality and luxury. I grabbed my phone and quickly sent Logan a rundown of my new situation, including Erin. He was in Belize at that moment retrieving some rare lizard for a collector. I refused to bring back anything live. It was far too much hassle. Logan enjoyed the added challenge, though, and always made sure they went to good homes. I’d helped him steal a crocotta cub that had ended up in a bad home once. I smiled at the memory. I missed him. He was my best friend (with many benefits), and we hadn’t seen each other in months.
Truth be told, Logan was more than my best friend. We loved each other and slept together when we were in the same city, but neither of us was ready to settle down in one place. A quiet hope hung between us that when the time came we’d settle together. I put my phone away and pulled Wispy to me, bringing him to nuzzle against my face. No more alarms in the morning. I had four blissful days of freedom.
The memory of Erin entirely rapt with the thought of adventure filled my mind as I fell asleep. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be long before Fein had a treasure for me to track down.
I slept through most of my first day off. I woke up halfway through the afternoon to Wispy whining and chittering at me for food. The last time I’d shared living accommodations was in college, and that was with Logan. My half-asleep brain didn’t remember that I was sharing my space with Erin, and she’d much rather I was fully-clothed when I walked out into the living area. I frowned, and looked at the tall windows which were allowing bright sunshine to pour into the room, with bleary eyes.
“Kaitlyn… I think you forgot something…” Erin said as blush covered her cheeks and she looked away.
“Fuck. Sorry, I’m sorry, I was… oh, gods, I’m sorry,” I said as I dove back into my room and looked for some clothing.
I emerged a minute later in a cami and pair of shorts. It wasn’t suitable to wear outside, but it would do. Erin’s blush hadn’t left her cheeks, and her gaze kept wandering over my torso as I stumbled into the kitchen. Wispy shot back and forth between me and the cupboard where I’d put his food while whining as though I’d been starving him.
Wispy wasted no time in leaping on the leaves and such the moment they hit the plate. I kept my back to Erin, unable to face her. It wasn’t that I was ashamed of my body, I just felt awful at making her uncomfortable.
Once I’d put together a plate of fruits and waffles for breakfast, I had no choice but to face Erin and gauge how bad things were. She was standing closer to me than I’d expected. Her eyes held that fire that I so desperately wanted to release.
“I was thinking we could have a movie night. There’s that new Order of Raven movie at eight, then Shadow Fox is on after it.” The smile on her face grew more confident as she spoke.
I grinned, thankful that she wasn’t freaked out at having seen me naked out of the blue.
“Sounds perfect,” I said.
I had cooked us a simple meal. It lacked elegance, but Erin didn't seem to mind. I made a mental note to take the time to cook her something truly wonderful. Cooking was much like alchemy, and I thoroughly enjoyed it on the rare occasions that I had the spare energy to try.
Erin remained close to me, her hands lingering on mine as we prepared the meal. The delicate sparks of her magic fluttered over my skin producing a sensation that almost felt like tiny kisses. I smiled to myself and allowed the image to bloom in my mind. The meal turned out beautifully, and I was pleased to see the broad smile on Erin's face as she looked at what we'd accomplished together. She almost glowed with happiness, her skin caught the late sunlight and begged me to run my fingertips over the edges of her. I resisted, not wanting to push her. She was cautious and had an air of inexperience about her.
We curled up on the sofa together with an exquisite bottle of wine from Moravia, the rich plum notes blending with the gentle oak finish to produce a wonderful experience. Erin sat close enough for her hip to press against mine as the movie started. I was acutely aware of her body so close to mine and the gentle heat radiating from her. It was difficult to really focus on the movie. She didn't look at me, but her body spoke for her as she slowly relaxed against me and leaned into me. Butterflies exploded in my stomach. It was very rare for me to be nervous about making a move on someone, but it was rare that I’d spend that much time around them before we ended up in bed.
She started to lean into me about half an hour into the movie. I took that as my cue to put my arm around her shoulders. I caressed her bare shoulder and lost track of the movie entirely as I revelled in the feeling of her subtle magic beneath my fingertips. Her skin was silky smooth. Images of brushing my lips over it formed in my mind unbidden. I didn’t realise I was doing it until my lips brushed against her skin, but I’d leaned in and kissed behind her ear. Her breath caught and my heart skipped a beat as I waited to see her reaction.
Erin had tensed a little. I pulled back, giving her room to think and decide what she wanted to do. I wasn’t going to push her into anything she wasn’t happy with. After a few beats, she turned to face me, a smile on her beautiful mouth and molten fire in her golden eyes.
“I know we’re not supposed to sleep with co-workers, but…” she leaned in and brushed her lips over mine.
I retrained myself from digging my fingers into her hair and kissing her passionately. We had all night to savour and explore. I ran my thumb along her bottom lip and watched her reaction. Her breath curled over my finger and she leaned into me.
“Are you sure?” I whispered, my lips almost grazing hers.
"I haven't been with many people… you're only the third woman, and the first time outside of a relationship," she whispered, her eyes locked on mine.
I remained still and allowed her to make the decision on her own. I wasn't going to shun her if she decided this wasn't right for her after all. That wasn't my way.
She took my bottom lip between her teeth and bit down gently, her eyes challenging me to deny her.
The light pain sent a thrill through me, but not as much as seeing that fire running through her. I wanted, no, needed more of that. We took our time exploring and enjoying gentle touches, kisses, and nibbles on the sofa, the movie entirely forgotten as we gradually tested each other's limits and teased
each other mercilessly. When the time was right we moved to my bed, where we continued in earnest. I was delighted to feel her magic crashing against my skin when she climaxed. She was everything I’d fantasized about and more. We didn’t get into experimenting with alchemical pleasure and pain tinctures, but I hoped there would be chances for that in the future.
My hopes for such explorations were shattered when Erin left my bed barely ten minutes after we’d finished. She broke away from my holding her and left my room without a word. I frowned, trying to understand what had happened. She’d been so happy, and I’d been careful to have full consent every step of the way. I sighed and gave her room to get her head straight; my pressuring her for an explanation was likely to make everything worse.
Erin would barely look at me the following morning. When I tried to ask her what was wrong, she shrugged and gave me a small smile. On the third day of it, I tried again. She sighed with exasperation and said she needed time to get her head straight, to work through everything. I can’t say I was sure what she needed to work through, but I gave her space.
Logan was the only person I’d slept with and spent more than two days with afterwards, and we were incredibly close friends; more than friends, if I were being honest with myself. I trusted him with my life and expected to settle down with him when the time felt right. He was everything I could possibly want in a partner: kind, funny, sweet, intelligent, fiercely protective. Gods, I missed him. We didn’t usually go more than six weeks without seeing each other for a weekend or more. It had been over three months.
Needless to say, I had no idea what to do with Erin or how to handle the situation. I gave her as much space as I could, given everything, but we still shared both a living and work space. She had withdrawn into herself and rarely smiled for the next couple of weeks. She was committed to her work and did everything I asked of her to the highest of standards, and she was a quick learner. Time in the lab was increasingly dull and oppressive. I needed something more.
I’d been working for Fein for a month. A whole month. And I hadn’t retrieved a single artifact. The routine of arriving at the lab and working until 10 pm every night, six days a week, was grating on me. I despised routine.
Things had settled down between Erin and me. We shared glances and smiled now and again, but we still weren’t relaxed around each other. I looked away from her and focused on the phoenix fire dancing in the beaker before me. I needed to pull out a single thread of magic from it, and weave that into the nymph hair to produce a charm against sinking for some sailor somewhere. I frowned and took a calming breath. I’d picked out which thread of magic I wanted. The one nearest the left edge, with the pale red tint, looked perfect. It was strong and straight, which would make it easier to weave. I slowly reached my tweezers into the beaker and went to grasp onto the thread. It slipped from my grasp and danced away. I sighed. It was one of those days.
An hour and two bleeding fingers later (I managed to stab myself with the gold needle three times while trying to weave the phoenix fire thread around the nymph hair), and the charm was complete. I ticked it off the godforsaken list Fein had left and slouched onto the closest stool with a huff. Yes, I was an alchemist. Yes, the lab was a dream come true. That didn’t mean I enjoyed being cooped up in it, even if the wage Fein was paying me was ridiculously good.
Erin walked around the lab table behind me and leaned against the table before me. She looked at me with those beautiful eyes, and I smiled despite myself.
“The routine’s killing you,” she said softly.
I sighed and ran my hand over my hair.
“I wasn’t made for routines,” I grumbled.
She laughed. “So I’ve noticed.”
I stood and stretched, relieved to hear her laugh.
“I’d hoped he’d hired me as a treasure hunter, not a pet alchemist. If I see one more of those fucking lists, I might shove it down his throat,” I said.
She laughed again, and her eyes danced. I looked away, not wanting to make her tense again. That was the last thing I needed.
“We have tomorrow off. We can head into the city.”
“Gods, yes, I need a pair of people to screw until I can no longer stand,” I said before I remembered who I was talking to.
I blushed furiously and couldn’t look at her.
“I’ve finished grinding the bear bones. I’ll start cleaning up,” she said quietly.
I mentally kicked myself. What was done was done. She knew that I had an active sex life, and we weren’t going to go anywhere. Still, I wished I’d have been a little more subtle about it, for her sake.
Erin had been polite but distant for the rest of the day. I didn’t bother sticking around for Fein to check the day’s work - it was demeaning. I knew that they were the best quality possible. I’d headed home to dress in something slinky and revealing before I went out into the city in search of one or more willing partners for a night and, if they were very talented, morning of carnal fun.
Unfortunately, like the rest of my week, my search ended with disappointment. The raven shifter I went to bed with was unsatisfying and left me more frustrated than I began. He was far too fluttery and interested in satisfying his curiosity than me. I stalked home before sunrise and pulled out my phone to complain to Logan about everything. In a happy twist of luck, he happened to be online. I made myself comfortable on a bench in the small park not too far from home and told him everything. He laughed at me before he changed the topic out of the blue.
LOGAN: You work for Fein Thyrin right?
KAITLYN: Yea, why? Heard something bad?
LOGAN: Rumour is he’s been looking into the Seers Stone for the last week. He not told you?
KAITLYN: >.< … Not a fucking word.
LOGAN: He doesn’t have any other hunters on team does he?
KAITLYN: Not that I’ve heard. Fucks sake. I’m dying for an adventure. Tempted to hand in my notice. Screw the lab.
LOGAN: Don’t quit. Grill him about it tomorrow.
KAITLYN: Good plan.
LOGAN: I am the brains here ;) Heading off, have a pretty sidhe guy tied up waiting for me. Ciao.
KAITLYN: Enjoy! Ciao.
I resolved to pin Fein down and find out what the deal was with the Seers Stone once I’d slept. I was on the verge of quitting the alchemy job anyway, what harm would it do? Yes, he might spread the word of my pushiness, but there were many buyers out there. He couldn’t ruin my reputation entirely.
The walk home went by without incident, and Erin was safely tucked in bed when I returned. At least something had gone well. The last thing I needed was to face Erin, especially having failed in my quest for good sex. I put a movie on the TV and dug out my bag of Garou candy. It was extortionately priced, as the Garou didn’t much like dealing with outsiders, but by the gods it was worth every penny. I settled into bed and watched as the kick-ass succubus saved the wolf shifter’s ass from the mermaids. The candy melted on my tongue and slowly changed from rich fig through to red currant and down into the most divine vanilla toffee flavour. Maybe life wasn’t so bad after all.
My plans to march into Fein’s office and demand to know what was going on with the Seers Stone would have gone much better had I have known how to get to his office. As it was, I followed behind Isla, who had her customary glare on her face, through the vine covered hallways. We finally arrived somewhere at the back of the house in Fein’s office. It was full of trees and greenery, with extensive windows looking out onto a small indoor woodland behind him. The elf, himself, sat behind a broad desk devoid of any personalisation bar the small black cat that I assumed was Tyn.
“Miss Felis, I wasn’t expecting to see you today,” Fein said with a smile.
My stomach began tying itself in knots, but I lifted my chin and strode across the space to his desk. I wasn’t going to be put off by those sharp teeth or the voice in the back of my mind screaming at me to run.
“I’ve been informed that you’re looking for the Seers Stone,” I said while holding his eye contact.
His mouth spread into a predatory smile that revealed just how sharp those teeth were.
“And you are upset that you’re not involved in this process,” Fein said as he leaned back and crossed his arms.
“I am a treasure hunter - one of the best.”
“You’re very sure of yourself.”
“If you want that stone, then you should hire me.”
He laughed and pulled a dark green folder out of a drawer in his desk. He pushed said folder towards me. ‘Seers Stone’ was written in his familiar neat script on the front.
“Consider yourself hired. You have forty-eight hours to research and pack. Now I have business to attend to,” he said as he looked pointedly at the door.
I walked out of the office in something of a daze. I’d done it. I’d faced down the predator and come out of it intact, with the job I wanted no less.
Erin walked into the living room in her little shorts and cami top while I was dancing with a huge grin on my face. The Seers Stone was the thing of myths! And I was going to find it!
“You had a good night,” Erin said with a small frown as she watched me.
“We’re going on an adventure!”
She raised an eyebrow at me.
“Fein’s sending us to track down the Seers Stone. The Seers Stone!”
She smiled and began to relax.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I am definitely due for an adventure,” she said as she walked past me to the kitchen.